Tech Updates


Speed of Internet for Gaming - What's the Best Speed to Play on?

The speed of internet for gaming at which the internet is used is determined by the type of ISP you are using and the service you have chosen from your service provider. This is why we can’t tell what will be the best speed to play on the PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo…
World News

Beauty Nails: How To Do Beauty Nails Like a Professional

There are some important steps in the process that you can do yourself easily and quickly. You don’t have to be a professional to look good. You’re in luck if you want to nail beauty like a pro. This article will walk you through the basics of beautiful nails.
Web Design

Website Design to Inspire Your Next Website

Website design you want to turn into a successful blog or online store. Or maybe you’re looking to create a new site from scratch, but you’re not sure what kind of website design you should go with. If you’re looking for a website design that will inspire…

Internet Tips

Internet Tips

Tips Memilih Berita dan Menghindari Hoax di Internet

Bisnis.Com, JAKARTA — Media sosial (khususnya Facebook) sebetulnya bukan sumber berita yang ideal karena kita cenderung mengikuti dan berkumpul dengan orang-orang yang sependapat dengan diri kita sendiri. Oleh karena itu, berita-berita yang tampil di Facebook biasanya adalah berita yang disukai oleh lingkaran sosial Anda. Namun, penelitian yang…